Don’t you hate it when a TV show is better in your head? So when you want to watch it, what you actually want to watch is the version in your head and reality disappoints and you know that, which kinda stops you from watching it at all.

Don’t you hate it when you rewatch a show so many times because it is so genuinely awesome that you get a bit over it? It still feels like coming home, like a warm comforting blanket but the magic thrill is slightly less due to too much exposure.

Don’t you hate it when you really want to watch something but don’t know what? And all you can think about is option A or B above and so nothing feels right?

I just know what’s going to happen now. I’m going to roam about for half an hour, going ugh! throwing up my hands, getting super frustrated, and then I’m going to pick something. Self, can’t we just skip the annoying part and have a nice evening please? kk thanks *rolls eyes at self*