Big milestone dates or anniversaries or anything in that vein really make me introspective. That’s not really a good thing but /shrug I’m just going to share what I’ve been musing on this time.

Everything has it’s season.

Life ebbs and flows. There are phases, some last longer than others, and most come back around, but nothing lasts forever.

I’ve said for years that nothing is wasted on me. For example I don’t know – a game. If I get given a game, then I’ll play it obsessively for a time after I got it and then I’ll put it away. At some point down the road I’ll take it out again, play it obsessively for a bit, and then I’ll put it away.

The same applies to stuff I love. I’ve said before re: certain things like Agents of Shield, or the game Swtor, that I’ll take a break and not watch/play for ages and then I’ll come back to it for some reason and I’ll be slammed with how much I love it, and I’ll think “why don’t I watch/play this all the time?” but I think it’s because everything has it’s time in the sun.

Passions need fuel or the flame starts to die down. Sometimes a break is needed to rekindle the love, or sometimes it requires new material or perhaps a friend suddenly getting into it. When the passion starts to fade, that’s not a bad thing because if it’s meant to then it will come back, and something else will take its place for a bit. Like I said ebb and flow, everything has it’s season and then has to go rest for a bit. Maintaining intense obsession is impossible, it’s not sustainable, and that’s why there’s the swap-out mechanism – or at least this is what’s true for me.

I think I’ve made a post before where I hypothesised that taking breaks from stuff I love is a good thing, as it means when I come back to it there’s a fresh feeling and a massive resurgence of love. I need to remember this I think because sometimes I reckon I hold onto things that I should let go rest, their time will come back.

You know it’s probably a little how fashion keeps coming back, as old returns to style :p same with passions.