In the Martian Chronicles Kara was a bit of a brat. I did enjoy how she fell all over herself to go “no nope no no way” about Mon-El but then they wrecked it by making her take an interest when she thought his interest was lost. Plus there was the whole thing with Earth birthday. I get she was disappointed but poor Alex. Also Kara is still being all ridiculous over Guardian. Like I said brat.

Anyway then there was Luthors.

“Kara Danvers you are my hero”

And all is forgiven. I love, love, love how Kara believed in Lena and never once doubted or let her down. I mean there was no evidence that Lena was innocent (and plenty of evidence that said she was guilty) so it was blind faith but you know what I like that. Kara knew Lena as a person, knew her character and that she wouldn’t do it and that was enough.

I guess I don’t have to like everything about Kara as a character. Hey I just called her a brat but she’s still a good person and I still want her to be happy. Plus come on that awkward “no no nope” with Mon-El honestly I was just yelling at the TV “just tell him you are gay” because really it felt like that should be where it was going.

I feel super sorry for Lena. Her step-mother is such a bitch, always going for the emotional manipulation. I’m glad Lena has Kara as a friend even if it’s not anything more than that right now (though it should be). Lena you get the last laugh darling, you are the final Luthor standing so you get the lot, good and bad, but you also get to write the ending.

A Luthor and a Super working together. Gotta love it.